Missions and Outreach
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
The Great Commission - Matthew 28:19
Because investing in people and in God’s kingdom is a priority, out of 7,800 COG churches worldwide, Cloverdale is in the top 10 giving churches - At Cloverdale Church of God we are passionate about meeting people at their point of need! Whether that is here locally within our own community or across the globe in another country, we are a church that reaches out.

Local Partners
Ada County Sheriff Break Room
Boise Rescue Mission
Stanton Health Care
Child of Promise
Christian Living Magazine
Chrysalis Women’s Transitional Living
Quaker Hill Church Camp
SW Ada Little League
Treasure Valley FCA
Caring Hearts & Hands of Hope
Circuit Riders Ministry
City Light Home for Women & Children
Gideons Ministry

Global Partners
Don & Caroline Armstrong
Bobby & Jenny Mihsill
Steven & Peggy Beverly
Nate & Stacy Tatman