Adult Ministries
Watch your faith grow through investing in relationships with people who want to learn and grow with you. Our adult ministries meet weekly and monthly.

Adult Ministries
Joy Group
"Just Older Youth" is a ministry for those 50 years of age and older, single or married. Some of us still work and some are retired. While this is a social organization, we take time for worship and fellowship. We meet every Tuesday at 10:30 am for Christian fellowship, Bible study, quarterly potluck lunches, and good times shared with friends.
Contact Pastor Don for more information.
Women’s Ministry
Our Cloverdale’s Women’s Ministry is for all women to come together to engage with other women and our community, to equip and be equipped “to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Eph 4:12), and to empower us all to reach out to our sisters and the world in God’s name and in His power. Through fellowship, activities, Retreats, fun, food, sharing, and service, we’ll grow together and be woven together to be the anointed women we’re called to be.
Contact Dee for more information.
Men’s Ministry
Our Men's Ministry is a connection point for guys at Cloverdale who desire to live life for Jesus – in our homes, families, and workplaces. You’re welcome to join us at any time for our monthly Men's Breakfast, annual Men's Retreat, and gatherings.
Contact Pastor Tom for more information.
Young Adults
Our Young Adults come together weekly for fellowship and fun! We are a group in various stages of life from high school graduates, college students, and singles. It is a great place to connect and "do life together" as we meet for gatherings around the table, campfires, living rooms, and more.
Contact Pastor Allen for more information.